Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum age required to attend the workshop?

We recommend participants be over 12 years old. For children under 12, we ask that parents or adults provide constant supervision. The tufting gun weighs 1.4kg, which can be challenging for younger kids to handle on their own.

How many people can attend your workshop in the same time slot?

Our workshop can accommodate up to 8 people per session. For groups larger than 8, we recommend splitting into smaller groups and scheduling sessions on different days. This allows us to provide personalised support and ongoing guidance, especially for first-time tufters.

Can I bring my own design or photos?

Yes, of course. For photos, we recommend translating them into an abstract or cartoon version. Our yarn is thicker than a pen, so it won't show too many details. Designs with fewer lines will produce better results. If you want more detailed designs, we recommend using a larger frame size to showcase the intricacies.

What if I don't know how to draw or don't have any ideas?

We provide a projector to help you trace lines onto the tufting fabric, making it easier to incorporate designs with letters. Since we tuft from the backing side, the finished side will be in the front, so we'll flip the image before drawing it on the fabric. Additionally, we have templates available in-store for you to choose from. You can also check out our Instagram for inspiration from our previous customers' designs.